Please click on a row for more information.

Browse (by Fiscal Year)  >>  2023 - 2024
Department Sort Department
Ancillary Appropriations
Department of Agriculture and Forestry
Department of Children and Family Services
Department of Civil Service
Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism
Department of Economic Development
Department of Education
Department of Environmental Quality
Department of Insurance
Department of Justice
Department of Natural Resources
Department of Public Service
Department of Revenue
Department of State
Department of Transportation and Development
Department of Treasury
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
DPSC - Corrections Services
DPSC - Public Safety Services
DPSC - Youth Services
Executive Department
Higher Education
Lieutenant Governor
Louisiana Department of Health
Louisiana Workforce Commission
LSU Health Sciences Center
Other Requirements
Special Schools and Commissions
LaPAS was developed by the Louisiana Office of Technology Services.
LaPAS contains unaudited performance data entered by state agencies and presented by the
Louisiana Division of Administration.