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LaGov Portal Browser Support

Last modified 10/11/2018


Supported browser recommendations

Desktop Browser

Operating System

Download Link

Microsoft Internet Explorer*

IE icon



Version 10 or 11

Download Latest Version

* IE 9 and below are not fully compatable
* Please note that IE is NOT the default browser for Windows 10, but is available to use

Mozilla Firefox *

firefox icon



Apple OSX


Download Latest Version

*not recommended for use with LaGov’s eProcurement (SRM) module or Vendor Portal -  Incompatibility issues have been reported

Google Chrome *

Chrome icon



Apple OSX


Download Latest Version

*not recommended for use with LaGov’s Vendor Portal (SUS) - Incompatibility issues have been reported

Apple Safari

Safari icon

Apple OSX only


Download Latest Version

Support Notes

·        Known issue in Firefox and Internet Explorer 9: users are unable to select options in dropdown boxes. Instead use Internet Explorer 10 (IE10) and above or Chrome.

·        Microsoft Edge is not a supported browser at this time (this is the default browser for Windows 10).

·        Access via mobile devices is most often successful, however some incompatibility issues have been reported.

·        If getting a 2nd login screen when using any LaGov App, add the following URL added as a Trusted Site: Click here for how to do this.

·        Internet Explorer 9 is no longer fully compatible with the LEO and LaGov portals.

·        Make sure the following browser options are enabled:  JavaScript and TLS 1.0 accessibility.

·        Turn off the browser’s pop-up blocker for addresses.

·         Download a compatible version of Adobe Reader for free here.

·         Download the current version of Java here.

·         Download the current version of Adobe Flash Player here.

·        Enable browser to accept cookies and disable ActiveX Filtering.        




Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t know what browser or browser version you’re using?

Get details about your current browser at, a third-party website that will open in a new window. Once you find out about your browser, you can check the appropriate download URL above for any possible upgrades.

What if the browser I use is not in the above chart? It’s an older version.

While it may work just fine, you also might run across functionality that doesn’t work as you think it should or text on screens isn’t formatted or sized correctly. For the best possible experience, we recommend you use a browser that is listed in the suggested browser list.

What about the mobile versions of some of these browsers? Do they work?

Yes access via mobile devices is most often successful. Like the desktop version of the browser, you occasionally may find functionality, however, that is not 100% compatible. Future upgrades of our portal may solve this, so retry this browser periodically.

How can I access Internet Explorer 11 from Windows 10?

Internet Explorer 11 is included in most installations of Windows 10, but a desktop shortcut to it is not a default option. To access Internet Explorer 11, search 'Internet' in the Windows search box in the lower left corner of the desktop (you may need to click on the Windows start button to access this search box).

Why is sound is not playing in a LEO web course?

Due to the wide variety of hardware, software, and course types there is not a single solution to solve all sound-related problems. Here are some general troubleshooting tips for sound-related issues:

  • Not all courses include audio. Typically there is a note on one of the first few slides to let users know if the course does include narration.
  • Ensure that Adobe Flash Player is installed.
  • Try installing Adobe Flash Player while in the browser you are using to ensure that the correct version is being used.
  • Try opening the course using a different browser. Internet Explorer 11 is the most widely tested browser at this time and is most likely to run the course as intended.