Welcome to the expenditures portion of LaTrac. I invite you to utilize this website to learn more about our state government and its spending procedures. I have advocated for transparent government, as I believe that the bright light of transparency and public access should extend to every corner of the state budget.

An honest government has nothing to fear from openness, and I hope you will use this site to ensure that your government is working for you, the people, and not special interests. We will continue to update and expand this site over the coming months, and thank you again for visiting the expenditures portion of LaTrac.

Frequently Asked Questions

What information is currently on LaTrac?
All spending from the state's accounting system (AFS) General Ledger is displayed in LaTrac. This means that in some cases bulk totals from subsidiary systems are the only data currently displayed. Therefore, related detail information from the subsidiary systems is not yet available. The information LaTrac is primarily presented in a cash accounting format, rather than in strict GAAP accrual format and is not intended in any way to replace or augment the state's Annual Financial Statements. Please refer to the OSRAP site for further information. Please note that LaTrac is wholly unaudited. Additionally, past state accounting practices have led to some large expenditures being categorized into account categories that would not be meaningful to the public. For example, some very large expenditures such as The Road Home for Katrina and Rita, as well as Medicaid payments and Minimum Foundation (education) payments were lumped together under Other Charges in the State's General Ledger. In LaTrac, in extremely limited situations, these costs have been recategorized in order to make the information more meaningful to the public. However, please note that this has caused some minor inconsistencies in the categorization of some expenditures. Every attempt was made to insure that these inconsistencies fall below the 2% materiality rule.
In all cases, the need for expedient public access was weighed against potential delays as well as the cost of providing the data. LaTrac has strived to reach a balance that provides the public the best reporting currently possible as quickly as currently possible. Future versions of LaTrac will continue to make improvements in both detail and accuracy.
Higher Education is currently in the process of being added to LaTrac. Below are the universities that are currently interfaced with LaTrac:
LSU System
  • Louisiana State University (LSU)
  • LSU Ag Center
  • Pennington Biomedical Research Center
  • LSU Hebert Law Center
  • University of New Orleans (UNO)
  • LSU Shreveport
  • LSU Eunice
  • LSU Alexandria
LSU Health Sciences
  • LSU Health Care Services Division
  • LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport
  • LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans
Southern University System
  • Southern University A&M
  • Southern University @ NO
  • Southern University @ Shreveport
  • Southern University Law Center
  • Southern University Ag Center
University of Louisiana System
  • Univeristy of Louisiana at Lafayette
  • Univeristy of Louisian at Monroe
  • Grambling State University
  • McNeese State University
  • Nicholls State University
  • Southeastern Louisiana University
  • Louisiana Tech University
  • Northwestern State University
Louisiana Community and Technical College System
  • Nunez Community College
  • South Louisiana Community College
  • River Parishes Community College
  • Louisiana Delta Community College
  • L.E. Fletcher Technical Community College
  • Sowela Tech Community College
  • Louisiana Technical College
  • Bossier Parish Community College
  • Delgado Community College
  • Baton Rouge Community College
How do I use LaTrac?
The menu at the top of LaTrac gives three options: Statewide, Department, and Agency. Selecting one of these menu items will allow you to choose the most broad search (Statewide) or narrow the search to a particular branch of government (Department or Agency). After clicking on one of these menu items, you will see expenditures at the highest level. Clicking on a row will then 'drill down' to more detail of the selected row. Clicking on a selected row again will bring you to the summary vendor information, providing the most detailed picture currently available. On the left hand navigation bar, three selections exist: Tabular, Pie Chart, and Bar Chart. Click on one of the icons in order to toggle presentation modes. Please note that in some cases, small pie slices were combined when they were too numerous to accurately represent data visually in chart form. The measure for whether small slices are combined is the standard 2% materiality test. However, please note that the information is still available in the tabular display.
Can I sort the data in LaTrac? I'd like to see the lists alphabetically.
Column headers allow you to sort. Merely click on the column header to sort by that column.
What are double counts and are they included?
Double Counts are defined as those revenues which are identified as being counted twice (or more) in the budget. This can involve any means of financing, but is generally limited to a few. For example, by definition, Interagency Transfers are double counts. The revenue received by one budgeted state agency from another budgeted state agency is a double count.
A total of $3.7 billion in double counts have been identified in the state budget and are included in LaTrac to the extent in which they have been expended throughout the year.
How often is LaTrac updated?
LaTrac is currently updated once a month and contains year to date cumulative data. Please click here to see which entities are currently reporting, last updated date, as well as which entities will be joining LaTrac in the future.
Who do I contact if I have questions regarding LaTrac?
For questions regarding agency financial information, please contact the agency directly http://www.doa.louisiana.gov/otm/listings/telefone.htm.
For questions related to the website, or non-agency financial data related questions, please contact the webmaster at latrac@la.gov.
If you suspect waste, mismanagement, abuse, fraud and corruption in the executive branch of state government please contact the Inspector General's Office at 1-866-801-2549.
Statewide: 02-10-2025
DOTD (included with Statewide starting in Fiscal Year 2014): 07-08-2013
McNeese State University: 02-06-2025
LSU Health Sciences: 02-01-2025
LSU System: 01-15-2025
University of New Orleans: 01-31-2018
Louisiana Community and Technical College System: 07-29-2016
Louisiana Tech University: 07-29-2016
Nicholls State University: 07-29-2016
Southeastern Louisiana University: 06-28-2016
University of Louisiana at Lafayette: 06-17-2016
University of Louisiana at Monroe: 05-26-2016
LSU at Shreveport: 04-28-2016
Grambling State University: 02-16-2011
Northwestern State University: 12-16-2010
Southern University System: 08-03-2010
LaTrac was developed by the Louisiana Office of Technology Services.
LaTrac contains unaudited financial expenditure data presented by the Louisiana Division of Administration.