eCORTS Instructions


State Entities
Non-State Entities
Add New Project
Log-In IDs
Check For Errors
Select Prior Year
Submit Requests
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Non State Example
State Example


Page 1

Project Title

The project title should be a brief description of the project showing location of the project and can end with descriptive words such as Planning, Construction, Equipment, Acquisition, Land Acquisition, etc. An example would be: Widening of 123 Highway in Smithville, Planning, Construction, and Acquisition. Another example is: Multipurpose Center in Smithville, Planning and Construction.


The Location is the city in which the project will occur. This field only holds 15 characters, so choose them wisely.

Project Class

Emergency: A capital outlay project can be classified as an "emergency" if it is essential to alleviate conditions that are hazardous to life or property. Examples include extensive roof leaks, structural defects, code violations, accreditation, asbestos/hazardous materials abatement, and extensive breakdown of HVAC systems.

Current Program Requirements: Projects that would allow an agency to bring its facilities up to program standards set by national or regional accrediting associations. Also, changes necessary to improve the functioning of a program. This would include measures to rectify for program achievement. It would also include provisions for major alterations to meet or maintain current program requirements. Examples include the addition of a new program, and changes or relocation of an existing program.

Anticipated Program Needs: Projects anticipated on the basis of increased enrollments, additional service, obsolescence of existing facilities, and changing an agency's role, scope or mission. Examples include the addition of a new program, changes or relocation of an existing program.

These radio buttons are mutually exclusive, i.e., when one is clicked another will be un-clicked, so that only one is selected at a time. It is a required field, so you cannot un-select all three. At least one must be selected.

Priority Number

A priority number is to be assigned to each new project request in keeping with the relative importance to the achievement of overall department goals. Prioritize your requests by number. For example, if you have 3 requests, one will be 1 of 3, two will be 2 of 3, and three will be 3 of 3. Indicate the priority in the "Local/Agency" field in the Project section of Page 1. If your entity is only submitting one request, the priority will be 1 of 1.

Site Code / State ID

This field is for state agencies only. Site Code and State ID numbers have been assigned to all existing state facilities, and can be found in your SLABS (State Land and Buildings) report or your Asbestos Management Plan. If you are unable to locate either of these items, contact Facility Planning and Control, Capital Outlay Section, at

These fields contain six (6) characters. Proper format for a State ID is a letter, either "L" or "S", and a five-digit number.

For More Info

For more info on filling out page 1, see Add New Projects part of eCORTS Instructions.

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