eCORTS Instructions


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Non State Example
State Example


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Applicable Guidelines

"Applicable Guidelines" refers to any mandates that your department or agency must follow to acquire federal funds, grants, etc. that are particular to you. It is not necessary to list NFPA, ADA, etc. in this area because ALL agencies are expeted to follow these codes and regulations. For example, if the federal regulatory agencies for correctional facilities require that every inmate has a cell of at least 80 square feet, then this should be listed. This is very important to Corrections, and Facility Planning needs to be aware of this guideline; however, this guideline does not affect any other agency. List the publication and the specific guideline in the blanks provided. If the project is located in an area that has project or other restrictions and/or local or federal requirements, guidelines, etc. please indicate those guidelines.

Preparer's Name, Phone

This field is to enter the name of the feasibility study preparer. If no feasibility study was performed for this project, leave this field blank. In order to enter data into these two fields, you must first click the checkbox above them on the right.

Hazardous Materials

Please indicate if it is suspected or known that any part of the project involves hazardous materials. Also, please indicate if that info is unknown.

Identify and Describe other Similar Facilities in Your Area

This is a required field. Please provide this information relative to this project you are proposing in comparison with other similar projects in the area. If no similar projects exist, please indicate that. Evaluate the comparison facility to the facility you are proposing, provide info on how they would be similar, how they would be different, the age, size, useful life for each if a building is involved, etc.

Requests Endorsed By

These fields are enabled only for non-state entities (Departments 36 or 50).

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